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Our History

How We Got Our Start

Established in 2001, as a mother's desire for her children & others to experience an authentic Christian education at the preschool level, Legacy Christian School started as Vineyard of Angels Christian Day School. Vineyard of Angels continued its growth until it became necessary to move. In 2013, it relocated to 227 Cedar Springs Road. During this transition that Vineyard of Angels became Legacy Christian Day School.


In August 2015, Promised Land COGIC assumed ownership of Legacy Christian Day School and subsequently changed its name to Promised Land's Legacy Christian School.

Our Present & Future

Where We Are Now & Where We're Headed

From its humble start as Vineyard of Angels, the desire was always to provide educational opportunities for students through Grade 12. The Promised Land shared this desire to provide an authentic Christian education to children in the Upstate.


Now under the Promised Land's ownership and direction, lending itself to the re-branding & re-building of Legacy Christian Schoo, we can and will achieve this goal Lord willing.


Our forward progression through the leadership of Apostle Tommy E. Quick is evident. Since 2015, we have fulfilled all necessary requirements & prerequisites for licensure and are now accredited by The South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA). In August 2017, we closed our doors on Cedar Springs Road and started the 2017-2018 school year in a new state-of-the-art facility on Promised Land's campus on Kensington Drive.


The move to Kensington Drive will allow us to double enrollment for our preschool program, and add 5th grade to our elementary school program. We are trusting that God that will enable us to educate more children beyond elementary grade level. 


We pray you'll join us for our journey ahead.

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Promised Land's Legacy Christian School

Business hours open 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday


150 Kensington Drive
Spartanburg, SC 29306


Phone: 864-707-5651


Fax #: 864-707-5652

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